full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

How do you get from connection to isotlioan? You end up isolated if you don't cultivate the cactiapy for solitude, the ability to be separate, to gather yourself. stuidloe is where you find yourself so that you can recah out to other people and form real attmhantecs. When we don't have the capacity for solitude, we turn to other people in oerdr to feel less anxious or in order to feel alive. When this happens, we're not able to appreciate who they are. It's as though we're using them as spare parts to support our fragile sense of self. We slip into thinking that always being connected is going to make us feel less alone. But we're at risk, because actually it's the opposite that's true. If we're not able to be alone, we're going to be more lonely. And if we don't teach our children to be alone, they're only going to know how to be lonely.

Open Cloze

How do you get from connection to _________? You end up isolated if you don't cultivate the ________ for solitude, the ability to be separate, to gather yourself. ________ is where you find yourself so that you can _____ out to other people and form real ___________. When we don't have the capacity for solitude, we turn to other people in _____ to feel less anxious or in order to feel alive. When this happens, we're not able to appreciate who they are. It's as though we're using them as spare parts to support our fragile sense of self. We slip into thinking that always being connected is going to make us feel less alone. But we're at risk, because actually it's the opposite that's true. If we're not able to be alone, we're going to be more lonely. And if we don't teach our children to be alone, they're only going to know how to be lonely.


  1. solitude
  2. capacity
  3. reach
  4. attachments
  5. order
  6. isolation

Original Text

How do you get from connection to isolation? You end up isolated if you don't cultivate the capacity for solitude, the ability to be separate, to gather yourself. Solitude is where you find yourself so that you can reach out to other people and form real attachments. When we don't have the capacity for solitude, we turn to other people in order to feel less anxious or in order to feel alive. When this happens, we're not able to appreciate who they are. It's as though we're using them as spare parts to support our fragile sense of self. We slip into thinking that always being connected is going to make us feel less alone. But we're at risk, because actually it's the opposite that's true. If we're not able to be alone, we're going to be more lonely. And if we don't teach our children to be alone, they're only going to know how to be lonely.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
wired magazine 2
full attention 2

Important Words

  1. ability
  2. alive
  3. anxious
  4. attachments
  5. capacity
  6. children
  7. connected
  8. connection
  9. cultivate
  10. feel
  11. find
  12. form
  13. fragile
  14. gather
  15. isolated
  16. isolation
  17. lonely
  18. order
  19. parts
  20. people
  21. reach
  22. real
  23. risk
  24. sense
  25. separate
  26. slip
  27. solitude
  28. spare
  29. support
  30. teach
  31. thinking
  32. true
  33. turn